The impact of Hurricanes Fiona and Ian are being felt throughout Puerto Rico, Florida, and the entire southeast. The hurricanes and their associated storms and flooding have devastated the lives of Americans across the region. National Guard Soldiers and...
Month: September 2022
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EANGUS Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points – OCT 2022
To: EANGUS MembersFrom: EANGUS National Office Please share the following Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points with other unit members Appropriations: FY 2023 The Senate advanced a continuing resolution through a procedural vote on Tuesday, September 27,...
EANGUS New Patriot – Summer/Fall 2022 Edition
Featured: President's Communique Auxiliary's Side by Side From the Executive Director From the Vice President Junior Enlisted Corner Washington Watch 2022 EANGUS Resolutions Legislative Quarterly Summit PACT Act The Veterans Administration National Guard Relief...
Donate to the National Guard Relief Foundation via the Combined Federal Campaign
** Please disseminate this information to all National Guard Units/Wings. Full-time personnel, federal technicians, and other federal employees are encouraged to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign. Traditional Soldiers and Airmen may donate to the National...
EANGUS Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points – SEP 2022
To: EANGUS MembersFrom: EANGUS National Office Please share the following Roll Call: Drill Weekend Talking Points with other unit members Every year, EANGUS develops priorities based on the grassroots input of our members using the resolutions process. We use...
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Nunc nisl leo, porta a dictum sed, pulvinar vitae diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum egestas, quam sit amet tincidunt tempor, lacus tortor pharetra elit, non dapibus lectus augue a enim. Curabitur bibendum enim et odio porttitor, quis consectetur arcu bibendum.