Earlier this month we announced our new podcast, Coffee with Congress, where each episode we sit down with a new member of Congress to ask hard-hitting questions that have nothing to do with politics at all! In our latest episode, we sit down with Congressman Jack...
Daniel Elkins
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Suicide is a Threat to Every Person Who Has Served
Suicide among the Veteran community has always been higher than among our civilian counterparts. We have been subjected to hours and hours of powerpoint presentations telling us about our risk factors, but now that we are out and there are no more presentations, where...
Introducing the TEA Act for G.I. Bill Transferability
A few months ago Gabby and Mike told us how important the G.I. Bill was to their family. Mike described how he didn’t come from a family with money and that without the ability to transfer the G.I. Bill to his daughters he would not have been able to send them to...
NEW EPISODE: History of Streaking: Coffee with Congressman Denver Riggleman
Earlier this month we announced our new podcast, Coffee with Congress, where each episode we sit down with a new member of Congress to ask hard-hitting questions that have nothing to do with politics at all! In our latest episode, we sit down with Congressman Denver...
Making Your Voice Heard on The Hill
Today, we are excited to announce that we have been invited to come before Congress and offer testimony to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs (HVAC). We are honored to have this opportunity to give our expert insight on the unique issues that face the National...
Making it Easier for Veterans to Get the Debt Relief They Need
Over the recent years the government has been seeking repayment on $1 billion in student loans from more than 40,000 Troops who are eligible to have had those debts forgiven. Through a program called Total and Permanent Discharge (TPD), these Veterans are all eligible...
Our New Podcast: Coffee with Congress!
We’re excited to announce our new podcast, Coffee with Congress, where each episode we sit down with a new member of Congress to ask hard-hitting questions that have nothing to do with politics at all! Our goal is to spend time with the people who represent us in our...
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Nunc nisl leo, porta a dictum sed, pulvinar vitae diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vestibulum egestas, quam sit amet tincidunt tempor, lacus tortor pharetra elit, non dapibus lectus augue a enim. Curabitur bibendum enim et odio porttitor, quis consectetur arcu bibendum.